Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well it sure has been a little while since I posted something so thought I better get that done.
We had a good New Year and a good Christmas with Joel's family. Things are getting back to the norm around here. Karlee and Trevor both started back to school this week so the was great. It well be a long week for Karlee but good for her to get back to the grind of school.

Joel's 29th birthday was on Tuesday so we had a little party. The kids got his a trip to Cabela's and I got his some bogs. Maybe in February we can take the Cabela's trip.

My Aunt Lisa had here baby on Monday the 4th at 10:45 pm. She had a little girl. Kathryn Grace she weighted 8lb 1oz. Haven't seen her yet thought I would wait until she gets a little rest and let her family all see her first. Joel was so hoping she would have it on his birthday SO CLOSE though!! That makes 20 grand kids for my grandparents.

Joel is planning a work trip to Minnesota the end of this month for more training on the Marvin windows that he sells at work. I will take him to DIA on the 31 and then will go back and pick him up on the 3rd of Fed.

Well I guess that is all just trying to stay warm in the below zero stuff we have been having. Wish it would just snow if we are going to get cold weather. I don't mind the snow. Well need to go get some groceries and then go get Karlee. Bye for know.


boywva said...

Happy Anniversary! I tried to email you but it came back so will go this route. thought of you yesterday and your wedding 8 years ago.