Monday, August 30, 2010


Karlee started school last Wednesday and LOVES it!!! Her teacher's name in Mrs. Rogers. On the fist day of school they learned about oreos. Then made charts on how you eat an oreo. Many kids like to dunk them in milk. Then they learned how many are in a dozen an half dozen. Then they counted by 2,5,10. Which they all know from 1st grade. Karlee said they got three new boy and two of them are twins.

Trevor stared preschool this morning. There is 18 in the class. A big one this year. Our little neighbor girl Kenzie is going too so I told Trevor to be her buddy today. I told him I will see him at 11 and he said bye mom have a good day. FUNNY BOY!! So we will see what he does today.


JAKTH said...

Trevor had a GREAT time! Trevor was a great buddy today! He said together on the playground (on the BIG slide that makes you go speedy like when daddy goes speedy in the car to a call) and eat snack by each other. He said he wanted to go to back tomorrow! We'll see!!!

Kara said...

Hooray! Glad he had a great day!