Thursday, March 18, 2010


So sorry it has been so long since I have updated. We have been VERY busy with kids and jobs. And family stuff.

Well we are doing good. The weather the last couple of days was great!! But today it is windy and cold. But we got a little work done outside. Raked leaves in front yard, cleaned out flower beds. AND I HAVE FLOWER POPPING OUT!!! YEAH!!!!

On the First of March we took a SHORT trip to Denver for Trevor's 6 month post heart surgery check-up. Very thing look great!! Praise God!!! After his appointment her took the kids to the Children's Museum in Denver. We had a great time and the kids had a blast. The Children's Museum has things for all ages so it was good for the kids. We didn't take our camera because didn't know we were going. Last minute thing!

Hailey started walk all the time on Valentines day. She is on the move and loves it because she can do what here sister and brother do.

Karlee is still loving school but also loves her days off. she went of a field trip to day to a play in Scottsbluff.

Joel is BUSY at work getting orders and bids done for people. He just finished the Lumber yards biggest window sell ever. His is busy with the EMT stuff too. Trying to get all his hours he need in to re-cert in September He is thinking about do and I class that is coming soon.

Trevor is doing great loves to play outside. He asked everyday "When is the pool going to open so I can jump in it?" "When can we put the trampoline up?" When is my new flip flops coming in the mail?" He is so excited for summer. He have one more year of pre school and the kindergarten.

We also got out tax's done yesterday so now we can order a new computer. YEAH!!! We got a new kitty too! Her name is Mia. Will have to get a picture of her too!!
I just have a few pictures but I need to get one of Karlee so you can see her toothless smile.