Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So Sorry

So sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time!!! Here are few pictures of Halloween and Trevor's 5th birthday. I will try to be better at getting on here and updating. Sorry to the people that get on here daily and there was no new post. Well do better!!!!

In family news we found out in October that we are expecting #4 due June 20th. The kids are very EXCITED!!! Trevor just said YEAH I'm going to have a brother!!!. I am just getting to feel better. I have had a head cold since we found out we were expecting and HOPE in ends soon.

With Thanksgiving and Trevor's birthday done with we are all getting ready for the Christmas season. The tree is up and the house is getting decorated slowly!!! Karlee and Trevor have their Christmas program on the 13th. Tis the SEASON!!!